2022 /

How to plan electricity production in France (and around the world) to remove fossil fuels from the energy mix by 2050? This is the question we ask ourselves at NTF-ENERGY!

The exit from fossil fuels will not be possible without renewable energies (notably solar), beyond the debate on the revival of nuclear power. In all the scenarios considered, we should expect an increase in annual electricity consumption of 600 TWh in France (estimate: 24,000 TWh worldwide); new forms of mobility, new methods of heat production, etc.

NTF-ENERGY is stepping up its investments to accelerate the development of its photovoltaic park in 2022 and in the coming years; we are therefore part of the dynamics of decarbonization of the energy system.

#NTF-ENERGY #transitionenergétique #energieverte #solaire

To go further: the Electric Transmission Network report:
